Friday, July 24, 2009

Bautta without Bautta...???

Bautta character Without Bautta Mask!

So here is my 3rd character from my Venetian project, which I re-did from almost scratch. That was because while at Disney I realized of certain things I learned and was doing wrong, so the logical thing was to put into practice what I learned and fix the many mistakes I had on the topology of the original model which found it easier just to start almost all over again!.. which wasn't a bad idea at all.
I certainly experimented with these one on the Head and went a bit too Hi res.. but it was a good practice to do more organic modeling.
Also these is just the character itself.. which was designed by my friend Robert Barros, and soon enough I will be posting "Bautta" as it should be with the Mask! and rest of the costume.
I will be showing it on my next post!..

Can't wait to get these done and move to the Doge Palace, while I apply for jobs!

until then.. hope you guys like these new model! and come back soon for the other version!




Eunjung June Kim said...

wow.....this is really amazing...look at all those detail!!!

love it!

RoB said...

Great job man! Can't wait to see your next post!

Alfredo said...

Thanks guys! I have already posted the 2nd and last part of these Bautta and Samson Series! at last! done with it!.. well.. until I do the texturing of it in the near future! XD